Electrical Stimulation
Both electrical stimulation and traditional acupuncture stimulate specific points on the body with the insertion of a needle. However, e-stim uses a device that attaches to the needle and delivers an electrical impulse. An e-stim device allows for the frequency and intensity of the impulse to be adjusted, depending on the condition being treated.
Electrical Stimulation is considered to be especially useful for conditions in which there is chronic pain or qi stagnation, or when it is difficult to stimulate the qi in the body.
Electroacupuncture is a relatively new technique, which originated in China in the 1930s, where it is used as an alternative to pharmaceutical anesthesia. In the United States, it is used to effectively reduce muscle spasm pain, treat neurological conditions, and paralysis. Electrical stimulation treats may conditions such as: pain, muscle spasm, neurological disorders, anesthesia, sports injuries, acne, nausea, paralysis.
Electrical stimulation therapy is not recommended in patients who have a history of:
heart conditions
high blood pressure
seizures, epilepsy
What to expect from Electrical Stimulation?
Expect to feel a slight tingling or mild involuntary muscle twitch at the site of the inserted needle. These are normal, temporary effects. It is common after a few seconds for the sensations to degrade all together. Many patients in chronic pain enjoy the sensation, as it relieves the muscle spasm and can open up qi stagnation.