
Chinese Medicine utilizes five main modalities to restore balance, maintain health, and promote longevity: Acupuncture, Moxibustion + Cupping, Qigong, Herbal Medicine + Nutrition, and Massage.

Each of these modalities aid in the proper flow of qi, or energy, which is our life force. Chinese medicine believes that pain or obstruction develop when the qi is blocked. Essentially, these obstructions are the source of disharmony or disease. There are many types of qi in the body, for example: air, blood, bone marrow, body fluids, etc. When the qi flows smoothly and freely our bodies, our skin, muscles, tendons, bones, blood, and our very immunity is nourished and vitalized.


Acupuncture is the insertion of thin needles into the skin to stimulate specific points in the body to accomplish many tasks -- commonly used to direct the flow of qi within the meridians




Ayurveda, a sister science of yoga, literally translates to the ‘knowledge of life’. This traditional system of healing emphasizes each person's uniqueness. By understanding one's unique constitution and imbalances, specific treatments are designed to ensure each person's optimal state of health and well-being


Micro + Nano Needling

Micro needling and nano needling are two cosmetic procedures that involve using small needles to create controlled skin injuries, which stimulate the body's natural wound healing process, including the production of collagen and elastin.

Micro and nano needling primarily target skin rejuvenation and collagen production. Here at The Well Clinic, we exclusively use Toma Products with this treatment.



Herbal Medicine

Herbs are medicine and a powerful way to assist and guide treatment.




Moxa is form of heat therapy where dried plant materials are burned close to the surface of the skin, this functions to warm and invigorate the flow of qi in the body.




Cupping is the use of special suction cups on the body and is commonly used for pain, inflammation, deep-tissue massage, and relaxation.



Electrical Stimulation

Both electrical stimulation (e-stim) and traditional acupuncture stimulate specific points on the body with the insertion of a needle. However, e-stim uses a device that attaches to the needle and delivers an electrical impulse. An e-stim device allows for the frequency and intensity of the impulse to be adjusted, depending on the condition being treated.